Criminal Defense
Choosing Your defense attorney Choosing your criminal defense attorney is one of the most important choices you will make in your life. Your life and your name are on the line.
Estates and Trusts
Estate planning is a comprehensive process that goes beyond merely distributing assets among heirs. It involves a strategic approach to safeguarding and managing your wealth, ensuring that your wishes are carried out seamlessly. Among the myriad tools available for effective estate planning, trusts stand out as a versatile and powerful instrument.
Family Law
Divorce sucks. Many of us have been there. When a marriage goes bad, it is like living in hell. Anger bubbles at the surface. You don’t trust each other. The passion and love you once felt turned to anger, depression, and sometimes hatred. You need it to end. You can’t go on living like that and negotiating the end of your marriage, the death of your family, is too emotional to undertake without help. Some couples are done fighting and their divorce is quick and cheap. Some couples aren’t yet done fighting – and it drives expenses. Your attorney should be able to counsel you on what fights are worth fighting and help guide you through this difficult time. That is what we at the Nolan Law Firm, LLC, try to do. We are your sherpa, your guide, and your confidant. There is a bright future for you after this storm.
What is the Partition Ratio in DWI Breath Testing
In breath alcohol testing, the partition ratio is a crucial concept that helps to convert the concentration of alcohol in the breath to an equivalent blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The…
Why should I update my will
Updating your will is important for several reasons
Tips to win the divorce war
Here are 9 tips to effect divorce planning – plus two bonus tips.
Right to Remain Silent
You have the right to remain silent. Use it.
Surviving divorce can be incredibly challenging
Here are strategies and tips that can help you navigate divorce.
3 Ways Science Impacts DWI/DUI Defense
A DWI/DUI defense attorney needs to understand science. We know different volumes of expelled lung capacity, affected by different body temps, at different pressures of force of blow, will directly affect the number and density of ethanol molecules in the sample tested by the machine.